A surprise visit Surprises especially when it is never expected is really a thrilling thing. Imagine the wonder and shock of our sisters gathered for the General Chapter got a visit from the Holy Father. The chapter members were told that that they would receive a virtual greeting from the Pope because it was not […]
We joyfully welcome Sr. Chiara Cazzuola as the Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians also known as Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco. Mother Chiara Cazzuola is the 10th Successor of St. Mary Dominica Mazzarello. Fr. Àngel Fernandaz Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians, and Fr. Pascual Chavez, […]
https://youtu.be/Sxg9tBaQvTE On 7th April, Wednesday 2021 at 4.00 pm in the JBC Auditorium, DVK Administrative Centre, Sr. Josmy Jose, FMA successfully defended her thesis on Formation to Interreligious Dialogue: A Theological Approach in Forming the Adolescents to create a Culture of Dialogue. Dr. Josmy Jose Ezharamattathil FMA is a Daughter of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian […]
An Unforgettable Experience! Christian calling is a vocation to break down ourselves and to bring forth rich harvest. Don Bosco Father and Founder of Salesian Sisters, was a unique saint who responded to the needs of his time and prepared his boys who were once street urchins or vagabonds and trained them to be honest […]
PERPETUAL PROFESSION Sr. Amarlapudi Kalpana, Sr. Anthony Mary Yash, Sr. Korabandi Sushma, made their perpetual profession on 24 May 2021. The solemn Eucharistic celebration was held at Sacred Heart Provincial House Bangalore, Officiated by Most. Rev.Fr. Alex Kalathikattil sdb. During this solemn Eucharistic celebration our 3 sisters expressed their quest for God and entrusted […]
FIRST PROFESSION It is a day of rejoicing and celebration of blessing and of Good Cheer .We had the solemn mass celebrated by Rev .Fr.Jose Kuttiyani mattathil sdb. He spoke on the theme chosen by our four novices “Called to Witness, the Love, Hope and Peace of Jesus. “On this special day in […]