First Profession-24/05/2025
In an act of unlimited faith and prompt obedience to Jesus’ command ,Peter the Apostle declares
“At your Word Lord, I will let down the nets”(Lk 5:5).24 th May 2024,on the solemnity of Mary
Help of Christians ,with immense joy our dear 2 novices, Haseena and Namsila made their first
profession in Don Bosco Parish Church, Nasik, Mumbai, together with other 6 FMA, Novices
,from other 3 provinces Mumbai, Guwhati and Shillong.
Like the Blessed Virgin Mary, who stands out as a perfect model of a prompt, docile and total
‘yes’ that reflected her readiness to be committed, to take risks and to be willing to lay down her
own plans of life to obey God’s will, they too are ready to let down the nets of their lives at the
word of Jesus, that He may render them fruitful in his service.
Holy Eucharist was presided over by Fr.Dominic Silveria ,Salesian Provincial of Mumbai
Province. During the homily , he stressed on the importance of one’s own call to proclaim the
Word of God and total dedication of oneself at the service of God by being faithful to the
commitment made at their profession.
This event was also a special one in the history of the Indian Provinces, where the novices from
4 provinces had their formation together and made their profession in the presence of their
Provincials. We thank the Lord for giving these young women the courage to respond to the call
of God and wish them a happy and contented life, in the FMA Salesian family. May they be
attentive to the voice of the Master and be prompt in letting their nets down at His command.