Province Gratitude Day 2025
With a month of preparation with the theme “Pilgrims of Hope, stewards of our common Home”, the celebration of the Provincial Gratitude Day was indeed a beautiful experience of unity, joy, peace and communion, which climaxed on the 16th February 2025.
Sr. Annie Thoppil, the Vice Provincial did well her role of planning, deciding, delegating, reminding everyone with her timely messages and suggestions of what we were supposed to do.
We began week I with ‘Peace with God’, with a pilgrimage to one of the churches where we could get the jubilee plenary indulgence. We prayed for all the animators during this week. Week II “Peace with oneself and sisters” generously offering ourselves for the good of others in the community and praying for candidates and young sisters. Week III was “Peace with nature” with nature prayer and meditation we prayed for all the sisters. Week IV “peace in the mission”, creating happy atmosphere in our work place and praying for the Provincial and the councillors.
Well prepared and hence well celebrated on 16th with the vigil service and exhibition of talents and creativity in the stage performance. Region-wise sisters danced, sang, enacted the theme in such a manner that the audience was amazed, thrilled and captivated with their varied forms of expression on the given theme. Every group stole the show and none was second as all stood first in their acting.
Kudos to the INK communities of the 4 regions! The central figure of the whole show was the provincial Sr. Lucy Rose Ozhukayil who marvelled beyond all limits with the display of the sisters and candidates and young people. Fr. Geo Sdb, the principal of Don Bosco college celebrated the Eucharist with great warmth and devotion leading the congregation to the culmination of the day’s theme – gratitude.